Did DE mess with enemy spawns recently?

It almost doesn’t matter what I’m doing, enemy spawns are being insanely inconsistent. Specifically in survival, relic missions, and fortuna. We’ve been having issues, especially in survival, but I’m helping him catch up and we are farming toroids, and it’s just awful. Only spawning 4 enemies, not spawning for minutes at a time regardless of where in the areas we are, having more beacons seems to only change spawn rates for 30 seconds at most before we go minutes with no enemies again. I’ve already done this farm and I know how to do it, and my experience was nothing like this.

I know that they changed the whole camping in survival thing because of people kuva farming in steel path or whatever, but did they further fuck with things, because it’s irritating as hell how awful enemy spawns have been for us.

submitted by /u/AlcoholicTucan
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