
Última edición, 09-10-2020 por JARVIII

Dispara un haz de fotones que detiene la vibración molecular, causando una dolorosa parálisis instantánea.

El Glaxion es un arma de congelación de diseño Corpus investigada en el Laboratorio de Energía del Dojo, siendo la primera arma en usar Frío n.png Frío como su tipo de daño inicial. Fue añadida en la Actualización 14.5.

Esta arma puede ser vendida por 7.500 Créditos.png .

Requisitos de fabricación
Tiempo: 24 hrs
Acelerar: 35 Platinum.png
Precio del MarketIcon.png: 175 Platinum.pngPrecio del Blueprint2.svg: 15,000 Créditos.png
Laboratorio de energía ClanAffinity64.png 3,000
Tiempo: 72 hrs
Prereq: Amprex
Clan Fantasma x1   Clan Sombra x3   Clan Tormenta x10   Clan Montaña x30   Clan Luna x100


Este arma inflige daño de Frío n.png Frío.



Configuraciones para el arma[]

  • Revisa una configuración del arma para ver como los jugadores modifican esta arma.
  • Revisa guías para la configuración del arma para guías sobre cómo usar esta arma de forma efectiva.
  • Para más ayuda general con armas, navega por guía para armas.


  • The Glaxion is capable of freezing enemies solid with sustained fire if it kills them. Enemies will progressively turn icy blue (spreading from the point of contact), and eventually become completely solid upon death. Frozen enemies can then be shattered by other attacks. This only applies to normal enemies such as Lanceros, Tripulantes y MOAs – Ospreys will simply explode upon death.
    • Even if the weapon is modified to have a non-Frío n.png Frío damage type (such as Explosión n.png Explosión damage), the Glaxion will still freeze foes solid if it kills them.
    • Can ironically freeze enemies with Calor n.png Calor damage effects upon death, this effect is merely visual.
    • Whether or not they display frozen visuals, enemies killed by the Glaxion create two corpses due to the “shatter” death animation (though the extra corpse may not be visible.)
  • When combining elemental mods, the Glaxion’s innate Frío n.png Frío damage is added last.
  • The weapon requires a decent amount of Criótica.png Criótica to build. Criótica.png Criótica can be obtained from Excavación missions. This is probably to the fact that the weapon fires an icy beam, possibly Criótica.png Criótica fuels its ammunition.
  • A fully ranked Tambor de munición will give the Glaxion an additional 450 rounds in reserve, or about 1.5 magazines worth of ammunition.
  • Equipping both Despedazar and Gatillo veloz will increase the Glaxion’s fire rate to 38 rounds/second.
    • On top of that, throwing in a Aceleración vil will increase the Glaxion’s fire rate to 56 rounds/second, at the cost of 15 percent damage reduction.
  • Calibre pesado can cause the beam to be very unpredictable; sometimes the beam will be centered and the next moment it may veer wildly off the reticle. There is no way of knowing where the beam will be next, which requires the user to either be at very close ranges to the enemy, or be forced to aim the weapon in different directions to compensate for the unpredictable beam behavior.
  • The Glaxions low base damage is misleading, like all continuous weapons the Glaxion can deal low or high damage per tick.


  • Retraso crítico and/or Precisión vil can help slow down the firerate of the weapon to allow better ammo efficiency, although the critical chance increase is minimal and the Retroceso decrease is ineffective as the weapon has little to no Retroceso.
    • Combining both mods maxed will result in the Glaxion’s fire rate being reduced to 5.6 (12.8 fire rate with just Retraso crítico) while increasing the critical chance to 7.4%.
  • With all four dual stat mods – Fuerza maligna, Alto voltaje, Munición termita, and Munición escarchada – the Glaxion can achieve a status chance of 119% per second.
  • Cargador viciado can be used to increase the Glaxion’s already impressive magazine capacity with little penalty due to the weapon’s fast reload time; At maxed rank, Cargador viciado increases the weapon’s reload time from 1.5s to 2s, while adding 198 additional rounds.
  • The Glaxion’s high fire rate and its low base damage make it highly ammo inefficient, consuming ammo at a fast rate. It is recommended to use a Carrier‘s Caja de munición, Mutación de munición de rifleCarroñero de rifle o Restauradores de munición de escuadrón to ensure a steady supply of ammo.
  • Taladro metálico can improve the Glaxion’s ammo inefficiency, allowing it to hit multiple targets and potentially inflicting status effects on them as well.
    • Although Despedazar can also be used as an alternative, it will increase the Glaxion’s already high rate of fire, making it more likely to empty out its ammo reserves sooner.
  • Enemies that are frozen solid will take at least 1 hit of damage from any source to be destroyed regardless on how much damage it is dealt. This can block powerful enemy projectiles such as Napalm and Bombardero shots.
    • Frozen corpses remain solid for 3 seconds before deteriorating which takes 5 seconds.
    • Some enemy abilities still remain in effect while deteriorating such as a Tripulante Anulador‘s bubble, which will start to grow back while deteriorating.


  • The Glaxion is the first weapon to deal pure Frío n.png Frío damage.
  • Concept art for the Glaxion was first seen in Devstream 22 alongside concepts for what would eventually become the Grinlok, Marelok, and Attica.
  • The revolver-style cartridges on the Glaxion’s body spin during firing, though the magazine is the small (battery) box behind the trigger
    • Additionally, the Glaxion’s barrel telescopes back and forth rapidly during firing, and collapses inward when holstered.
  • Enemies who die by the weapon are frozen solid, much like Frost’s Avalancha ability, and shatter when hit by any weapon. This effect persists even if the Glaxion’s Cold damage has been changed into another element.
    • If frozen bodies are left alone for five seconds, the ice will thaw into nothingness.
  • Glaxion bears similarity to the French word glaçon, meaning “ice cube” or “icicle”.
  • Much like the Rifle de flujo , Detron and Amprex , the Glaxion doesn’t follow the standard Corpus naming convention (A Latin word with two syllables and ending with an ‘a’.)
  • Objetivo Corpus sometimes use this weapon, along with a Globo de nieve escudo from Arctic Eximus enemies.

Historial de actualizaciones[]

Revisión 20.7.2

  • Adjusted the force feedback when firing with a controller
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