I've heard Rhino Specters can use Roar. Can anyone tell me the trigger conditions?

I made a big compilation of Specter AI behaviors last year, and have decided to revisit it to ensure the accuracy of all of its information and add extra advice beyond just the raw information.

When I posted it, I listed Rhino's Roar as being unavailable, but a few responses said they see it used frequently. Unfortunately, I'm having no luck whatsoever getting it to be cast.

I've tried cast triggers such as enemy proximity, enemy quantity, ally quantity, Specter health loss, and weapon fire, with no luck on any of it.

If anyone sees Roar applied when using a Rhino Specter, can you tell me what the general mission status was when it happened? Mission type, allies and their positions, difficulty of the mission, etc. Heck, even just a screenshot showing the buff on your UI would be helpful; just make sure it is indeed from the Specter and not from an ally using Rhino or with Subsumed Roar.

Really hoping y'all can help me out... Trying to get this ability to work has been rather frustrating.

submitted by /u/ToolboxMotley
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