I love Lavos!!!

Lavos's design is incredibly fun. His abilities are great.. His 1 gives him healing while applying some statis effects. His 2 gives him great maneuverablity and also great control over the enemy. His 4 absolutely nukes everything if you apply some status effects first. And his 3 ties everything together; resetting his 1 and 2's duration pretty much every time I use it and drastically reducing his 4's cooldown.

I love using a mecha set Kubrow with him. It spreads the status effects I apply with cedo very well for very good 1 shots on pretty much everything (it destroys in steel path.) Lavos is tanky, fast, high damage dealing and fun. He will definitely be one of my favorite frames If not my main. I already sunk many hours into him and optimized my builds pretty well. Good job designing a good frame de. I love him.

submitted by /u/lordbutternut
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