Constructive Criticism on the Syndana Shop (with a tiny rant)

The Syndana Shop grinds my gears. I recently started playing Warframe again. I didn't get far when I first played. This time around I'm a lot more ambitious and I finally reached the point where I do care about aesthetics. So I'm pondering what I should spend my hard earned plat on or even splurge some actual cash into this game that I so thoroughly enjoy.

And there's a myriad of awesome looking Syndanas of all kinds: There are capes and tails and wings, some made of flowing cloth, others of emanating energy or stiff metal, some are short, some are long... and then you could also divide them by faction: Tenno, Corpus, Grineer, Orokin, Infested, Sentient(?).

I mean it's great that there are so many awesome artworks that I honestly can't decide which one to pick, many being created by the community - but it's just way too hard to navigate. I can't just look up e.g. all the wings there are, put them side by side and decide which one to buy. There's a search field, but that only works on article names and descriptions, but not on keywords - to reuse the example: when I search for "wing" I get all syndanas that have "flowing" in their description but not a single actual wing.

Existing workarounds? I could take some screenshots and compare those outside of the game. Not an elegant solution, not interactive and I have to go through every single syndana there is manually to find the subset I'm interested in. I could also put them all on my wishlist and look at them that way - in that case I do lose the interactivity and, even more importantly, colors I've set in the arsenal.

Wouldn't be hard to fix though and wouldn't change the UI a whole lot. As a software developer myself I'd just add tags and show them in the UI and make them discoverable through the existing search field. Tags should include: Tenno, Corpus, Grineer, Orokin, Infested, Sentient, flowing, long, medium, short, slim, wide, energy, stiff, cape, tail, wings, band(s), backpack.

Some of the design definitely straggle some lines and will cause discussion no matter how they are categorized, but damn, something is better than nothing.

Also I'm not saying that Syndanas (and other cosmetic articles) are overprized, but they sure as hell are pricy so I do want to make an informed buying decision instead of getting completely overwhelmed by the shop.


submitted by /u/gemengelage
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