Can Gara please be changed so that her cosmetic glass armor stays on during Splinter Storm? She looks so much worse without her glass, yet it's removed whenever she has her most important ability active

I really can't understand why this even exists. Gara's glass is such a big part of her overall appearance, and yet it disappears whenever she uses her most essential ability (which she wants to have up constantly). Am I supposed to just ignore the ability that gives me 90% damage reduction and infinitely scaling damage to nearby enemies, just so my frame can look the way it's intended to?

It's extremely frustrating to spend time and money making a frame look good only for it to all be wasted by actually using your damn abilities. It's especially egregious on her new deluxe skin, since she has so many amazing looking shards of glass all over her, which you'll never get to see during normal gameplay. Please just remove this horrible feature of Gara, or at the very least make an option to for the glass to stay on while her 2 is active.

submitted by /u/GoldPhos
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