Nivel de amenaza

Última edición, 06-11-2020 por JARVIII

Nivel de amenaza o conocido popularmente como Aggro define cuanto es de peligroso un personaje no jugador que se percibe que es un objetivo y, por lo tanto, la importancia de atacarlo. Los NPC darán prioridad a atacar al objetivo con el nivel de amenaza más alto que esté dentro del alcance.


The following abilities will temporarily increase threat level:

  • Señuelo de Loki – creates a decoy with high threat level
  • Sombras de los muertos de Nekros – creates shadow versions of recently fallen enemies which have high threat levels
  • Voracidad de Nidus – creates Maggots with high threat levels
  • Absorber de Nyx – increases the caster’s threat level
  • Caos de Nyx – increases the threat level of affected enemies, thus making them attack each other as well as members of other factions
  • Mazo de Octavia – creates a Mallet with high threat level
  • Mudar de Saryn – creates a decoy with high threat level
  • Alas afiladas de Titania – creates Razorflies with high threat levels
  • Salón de espejos de Mirage – Creates clones of Mirage with high threat levels


The following mods will increase threat level:


The following actions will increase one’s threat level:

  • Capturing the target in Captura missions
  • Rescue target in Incursión Rescue missions (innate)


The following item has an increased threat level:


Warframe Español

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